
Md. Rafsun Jany

মোঃ রাফসান জানি

Assistant Professor

  •  Room No:  1st Floor, Department of Architecture
  •  Phone:   880-1855082858 , 880-1712996086
  •  Email:
  •  Website:

  •  First Joined: 23rd Feb, 2021
  •      Dept. of Architecture



Book / Book Chapter
Journal Articles
Conference Papers
SL Authors Title Publisher Details Publication Year Type
1 Monzur Nadia, Md Rafsun Jany Assessment of Impact of Climate Change on Thermal Comfort in Traditional and Modern Houses of Rajshahi city, Bangladesh Monzur, N. and Jany, M.R., (2024), "Assessment of Impact of Climate Change on Thermal Comfort in Traditional and Modern Houses of Rajshahi city, Bangladesh", Academic World Conference Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; Institute of Technology and Research Publications, India, ISBN 978-93-90150-28-1; January, 2024, pp 25-32 2024 Conference
2 Md Rafsun Jany, Nadia Monzur Exploring the Transformation of Local House Form in Rajshahi City Corporation Area, Bangladesh Jany, M.R. and Monzur, N., (2024), "Exploring the Transformation of Local House Form in Rajshahi City Corporation Area, Bangladesh", IEREK’s International Conference Environmental Design, Material Science, and Engineering Technologies – 1st Edition (22-24 April 2024). 2024 Conference
3 Nadia Monzur, Md Rafsun Jany Assessment of Impact of Climate Change on Thermal Comfort in Traditional And Modern Houses of Rajshahi City, Bangladesh Monzur, N. and Jany, M.R., (2024) "Assessment of Impact of Climate Change on Thermal Comfort in Traditional And Modern Houses of Rajshahi City, Bangladesh", International Journal of Advances in Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IJAMCE), pp. 32-39, Volume-1, Issue-1. doi: IJAMCE-IRAJ-DOIONLINE-20561 2024 Journal
4 Nadia Monzur, Md Rafsun Jany Sustaining Traditionalism: An Investigation into the Vernacular Transformation of the Khasi Tribal Houses of Sylhet Monzur, N. and Jany, M.R. (2023), "Sustaining Traditionalism: an investigation into the vernacular transformation of the Khasi tribal houses of Sylhet", Archnet-IJAR, Vol. 17 No. 1, pp. 70-87. 2023 Journal
5 Nadia Monzur, Md Rafsun Jany, Sazdik Ahmed Sustaining Traditionalism: An Investigation into the Gradual Shift in the Khasi Tribal houses of Sylhet Monzur, N., Jany, M.R. and Ahmed, S., (2021), "Sustaining Traditionalism: An Investigation into the Gradual Shift in the Khasi Tribal houses of Sylhet", 1 ST THINK SPACE CONFERENCE e-Proceedings: Sustainable Tropical Architecture in Asian Urban Heritage (Nov 23-24); School of Architecture, Taylor’s University, Malaysia. 2021 Conference
  •  KUAD-BERGER AWARD PROGRAM: 2018, For 3rd year performance (2016-17)
  •  KUAD-HEAD LIST AWARD: 2016-2019 2nd Year(2015-16), 3rd Year(2016-17), 4th Year(2017-18), 5th Year(2018-19)
  •  NATIONAL AWARDS (Notun Kuri): 2002, 2003, 2004
  •  SPORTS AWARDS: National School Cricket Awards- 2008, 2009 Bangladesh Inter-University Sports Board Awards- 2018
  •  UNIVERSITY MERIT SCHOLARSHIP: 2015-2019, 2nd Year(2015-16), 3rd Year(2016-17), 4th Year(2017-18), 5th Year(2018-19)
  •  Lecturer (2021-Present): Department of Architecture, RUET.
  •  JUNIOR ARCHITECT(2019-20): Vaastukalpa Architects LTD.
  •  Part Time Lecturer(2019- 20): Architecture Discipline Khulna University
Phd Students
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Masters Students
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Undergraduate Students
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